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Tobias Gehring. Photografer Joachim Rode.
23 FEB

First quantum-safe data transfer in the Nordic region

Researchers secure an important win in the race against cybercriminals by using quantum communication to securely transfer data at Danske Bank.

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics
Foto: Jesper Scheel
11 OCT

Computer-generated designs may help researchers see quantum effects at large scales

In a recent article in Nature Communications, researchers from DTU Physics and DTU Mechanical Engineering report on a novel route towards micromechanical resonators that...

30 SEP

Svar på kvantefysikkens ubesvarede spørgsmål

Ved at vende termodynamikken på hovedet håber Jonatan Bohr brask at kunne give svar på et kvantemekanikkens ubesvarede spørgsmål.

01 SEP

Danish Quantum Community formally established

Danish Quantum Community has now been established as an independent association with the purpose of supporting quantum technology in Denmark. DTU is among the founding...

Cover of Lost Summers
12 AUG

New graphic novel merges arts and science

In bigQ we are very enthusiastic about outreach and about communicating our research and quantum physics in general to the broader audience. And we are very pleased to...

10 JUL

DTU researchers tighten grip on quantum computer

In a new groundbreaking work, researchers from DTU have now realized the complete platform for an optical quantum computer. The platform is universal and scalable, it all...

Physics Cyber security
Mathias Hoeg Boisen (tv) sammen med Marco Ugo Gambetta fra KPMG i laboratoriet.
24 MAR

Studerende tester kvantecomputers evne til aktieoptimering

I samarbejde med konsulentvirksomheden KPMG har en studerende fra DTU Fysik testet, om en kvantecomputer er bedre til at optimere en portefølje af aktier end en traditionel...

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics
08 DEC

Finn Foton makes a quantum jump to the Japanese market

The first book in the series of Finn Foton has made it to the Japanese market with support from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Denmark through the Export sparring...
